We all have those cute (or not so cute) nicknames given to us by our family members.  "Pudgebucket" was mine.  "Pudge" for short.  What does that mean?  What is Pudge?  Urban Dictionary defines pudge as :"Belly fat; theā€¦

We all have those cute (or not so cute) nicknames given to us by our family members.  "Pudgebucket" was mine.  "Pudge" for short.  What does that mean?  What is Pudge?  Urban Dictionary defines pudge as :

"Belly fat; the fat over your abs. For an extreme amount of pudge, more u's can be added for emphasis (puuuuuuudge)."


"An orange and blue fish from Lilo and Stitch. He controls the weather. Eats a peanut butter sandwich every Thursday."

Maybe he's "pudgy" from eating those peanut butter sandwiches every Thursday?  There are other definitions, some very similar to the first I mentioned, so it is safe to assume that pudge refers to a little extra chub.  Have you seen a cute chubby baby in your life?!  Me too!  I love big pinch-able cheeks and little sausage legs.  As a baby, you can get away with all that cuteness!  As a baby, being a pudgebucket is the greatest thing ever, before you're ever old enough to have to worry about exercise and calorie counting!

Now I am a mother and I have two of my very own pudgebuckets.  Two beautiful girls, EJ and AB.  Please join along in my journey as a mother who tries to be silly enough to stay sane and serious enough to be successful.  This is the diary of my life.