Thanks a BUZZillion!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week at EJ's school and as a "classroom parent" the task was to come up with something clever to express our gratitude.  My partner room parents came up with the idea to decorate the class door.  There are a ton of ideas on Pinterest out there so we decided to take a "Bee" theme and turn it into our own.  

In addition to decorating the door, I decided to make bumble bee hats for the kids to wear and we took a class photo to frame and give to each teacher.  Also, I spent no more than $30 on supplies for 24 hats and the supplies for the door I already had at home. 

For the Door:

  • sharpie markers (brown and gold)
  • kraft paper, card stock
  • hexagon template
  • bumble bee template
  • paper cutter & scissors
  • tape (lots of it)


For the Bee Hats:

  • gold glitter party hats (I used gold because all the yellow stuff at the kraft store didn't match well and I'm picky.)
  • pipe cleaners (black and gold)
  • gold poms
  • white tulle
  • giant chenille stems (black)
  • hot glue.  


For the door I took basic kraft paper and created a honeycomb pattern.  I traced a hexagon shape I printed on yardstick from my computer using a brown and gold sharpie.  This was simple too do sitting on the couch after the kids went to sleep. It was relaxing and therapeutic too actually.  

The bees and wording were printed straight from a word document and then cut out, leaving a little white edge for an extra POP!  I used Market Deco font and taped each child's name to a bee. I printed out a couple of flowers as well to use for filler when it was time to assemble the door.  (I wanted to add a BEE HIVE but was on a time crunch and couldn't find a template I liked and didn't have time to create my own.) This project as completed in 24 hours.

For the hats, I took black and gold pipe cleaners, twisted them together, cut in half and added gold poms via hot glue.  The hats had holes on each side, so I inserted the bee antennas and secured with hot glue and tape on the inside.  

Girl hats got tulle wings on the back and boy hats got a black chenille rim around the base.  Hot glue was my friend!  I went through about FOUR large glue sticks to ensure everything was secure. I probably could have used less, but I like to overdo things.  

Thanks a BUZZ-illion to our teachers for BEE-ing so amazing!